Methodology, Contributors and Data Sources
This report presents the findings of a legal analysis into copyright exceptions and limitations in the European Union. Unless otherwise noted, no case law was analysed.
The exceptions and limitations were scored according to their scope of protection and applicable conditions. In particular, we looked into how close the national exception or limitation is to the EU law with regards to the types of uses permitted, the purposes permitted, to which subject matter it applies, the types of beneficiaries covered, and the technological, physical, quantitative, temporal or other conditions applicable to the use.
The information in this website is not intended to be legal advice, and is not necessarily complete and accurate. Please consult a local lawyer if you need to know which uses are permitted by the copyright laws analysed in this website.
The following individuals have contributed to the analysis for the Member States listed behind their names:
- Ana Lazarova: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain.
- Konrad Gliściński: Poland.
- Paul Keller: Germany and the Netherlands.
- Teresa Nobre: Portugal.
For a more detailed description of their contributions please refer to our GitHub repository where all changes to the country pages are tracked.
Data Sources
The findings are primarily based on the consultation of primary sources (legislative texts). In addition we are using the data collected by Kennisland for the previous version of this website, data collected by Digital Republic for the Mapping EU E&Ls project and data aggregated by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in the context of the reCreating Europe project.
The 2nd edition of Copyright in the Information Society edited by Brigitte Lindner and Ted Shapiro proved to be an invaluable resource regarding relevant case law.