Lithuania has implemented the Press review (Art. 5.3(c) 1st part InfoSoc) exception in Article 24(1), p.1 of the Law of 18 May 1999 No VIII- 1185 on Copyright and Related Rights. The national exception is slightly more restrictive than the EU exception.
Implementation summary:
This exception allows for the reproduction by the press, communication to the public (including making available via computer networks) of published or communicated to the public articles on current economic, political or religious topics or of broadcast works of the same character, in cases where such use is not expressly reserved by the authors of or other owners of copyright in such works, and as long as the source, including the author's name, is indicated in the communicated copies of the works, or in another way.
Implementation details:
- any user
- not specified (informatory purpose)
- reproduction (by the press)
- communication to the public
- making available (via computer networks)
Subject Matter:
- works
- no compensation required
- the source, including the author’s name must be indicated in the communicated copies of the works, or in another way
Other Conditions:
- works used must be published or communicated to the public
- works used must be articles on current economic, political or religious topics or broadcast works of the same character
- use must not be expressly reserved by the authors of or other owners of copyright in such works
Introduced/last updated: 05 March 2003
Remarks: The exception does not extend to neighbouring rights as per Section 58 of the CA