France has implemented the Use for advertising the exhibition or sale of works of art (Art. 5.3(j) InfoSoc) exception in Article L122-5, 3° (d) of the Intellectual Property Code. The national exception is much more restrictive than the EU exception.
Implementation summary:
This exception allows for any full or partial reproduction of works of graphic or plastic art for inclusion in the catalogue of a judicial sale made in France, for copies made available to the public before the sale and for the sole purpose of describing the works of art offered for sale.
Implementation details:
- any user
- for the inclusion in the catalogue of a judicial sale made in France
- reproduction (in a catalogue)
Subject Matter:
- works of graphic or plastic art
- no compensation required
- the name of the author and the source must be indicated
Other Conditions:
- works used must have been made available to the public before the sale
- use must be limited to the sole purpose of describing the works of art offered for sale
Introduced/last updated: 01 July 1992