Czech Republic has implemented the Use of works of architecture or sculptures in public spaces (Art. 5.3(h) InfoSoc) exception in Section 35(1) of the Copyright Act. The national exception closely resembles the EU exception.
Implementation summary:
This exception allows for the recording or expressing by drawing, painting, graphic art, photography or film of a work permanently located on a square, in a street, in a park, on a public route or in any other public place. It also covers further uses of a work so expressed, rendered or recorded. If possible, the name of the author (unless the work is an anonymous work) or the name of the person under whose name the work has been introduced to the public, the title of the work and its location must be indicated, unless impossible.
Implementation details:
- any user
- recording
- expressing by drawing, painting, graphic art, photography or film
Subject Matter:
- work (permanently located on a square, in a street, in a park, on a public route or in any other public place)
- no compensation required
- the name of the author (unless the work is an anonymous work) or the name of the person under whose name the work has been introduced to the public, the title of the work and its location must be indicated, unless impossible
Introduced/last updated: 22 May 2006
Remarks: The exception does not extend to performers' (§ 74), phonogram producers' (§ 78), film producers' (§ 82) and broadcasters' rights (§ 86).